In the field of international dating on the Internet. There has been a rather sad trend of distrust of women and men in dating sites. Such an attitude is not unfounded. We recognize that there are unscrupulous “providers” of services in the field of international dating Relationship. Trying to increase the audience (number of users) of the site. Some platforms offer dating with different and often conflicting goals. And do not properly check user profiles before publishing them on the site. Not uncommon is the presence on the dating portal of advertising of various goods and services.
Due to the fact that user information is not verified. Many are suspicious not only of the dating sites themselves. But also of other users. Often, this is expressed in the fact that when registering, in order to protect their personal data or guided by the false principle. “If others are deceiving, then why should I be honest?”, People indicate deliberately false information about themselves. Such an attitude negatively affects, first of all. The success of dating and undermines the trust of other users in the dating site.
Due to the growing mistrust towards international dating sites. We would like to tell you more about the fernliebe dating site and how we work.
The goal of the international dating site fernliebe is the trust and safety of our users: men and women. However, we can achieve this goal only by joint efforts. A reliable dating site is born by common efforts: the efforts. Conscientiousness and competence of the site’s employees and the integrity of users. This means that our actions are aimed at creating an international dating site that you can trust. But no less important for us is the confidence that our trust, the trust of our employees will not be abused. triptogether.com
Openness Breeds Trust – International Dating Site
fernliebe is a German dating site. The company is registered in Germany and follows German law. On the pages of our site, you can openly access information regarding the owner of the site (section “About the Company” ), read the “Terms of Use” and read the provisions of the “Privacy Policy” .
The legislation in the field of personal data protection in Germany is develop and works. The data you provide on the website is not pass on to third parties. In this regard, you have no reason to provide false information in an attempt to protect your personal data.
Checking Questionnaires Before Publishing on the Site
Questionnaires on the dating site are published (available to the attention of other users) only after they have been checked by the site staff. This means that only a man can write you a message, make contact with you on the site, firstly, registered on the site, and, secondly, a man whose profile has been verified.
During our work in the field of international dating site, we have developed our own mechanisms for checking profiles that allow us to detect “fake” registrations. “Fake” in translation from English means “fake”, “fake”. On the Internet, this word is often used to refer to fake pages on social networks or dating sites. However, we would not like to fully disclose our methods of work in order to preserve their uniqueness and fruitfulness. Therefore, we will give only some of the principles on the basis of which we do not publish profiles on the site:
- The site does not publish profiles with pseudonyms or virtual names. This means you won’t meet SuperMan23 or Mr.NiceGuy74 on. Likewise, it will not give men the unique opportunity to meet Kitty P90 or SweetHeart65. We are sure that a serious acquaintance of respectable triptogether people should begin with mutual trust. If in the process of communication, it turns out that the name of the interlocutor or other data indicated by him is not true, this makes a repulsive impression.
- The site does not publish profiles with “borrowed” photos. This includes questionnaires with photographs taken from a clothing catalogue, photographs of celebrities, animals, flowers, and other pictures “borrowed” from the Internet in order to create a “fake” account. A photo for a serious dating site should show a person who wants to meet.
Social Networks or Dating Sites
Please note that the following provision is fixed in the “Terms of Use” of the site. Users who wish to use the services of the dating site must indicate in the questionnaire only information that is true. In accordance with the “Terms of Use” of the site, fernliebe employees have the right to remove user profiles containing knowingly false information.
Thus, not only whether his profile will be published on the site depends. The honesty of the user, but, first of all, the success of his acquaintance. The impression that he will make on another person when they meet.
Checking profiles on fern liebe does not end after they are published on the site. Our employees control new photos and texts added to the profile.
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